1 Overview

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 What does it do?

The Resilience Index maps Local Authorities based on potential need for support (vulnerability) and capacity to meet that need.

1.1.2 What is covered

There are two indices, based on the British Red Cross’s strategic causes:

  • Disasters & Emergencies
  • Health Inequalities

We are not developing a Resilience Index for Displacement & Migration, due to the sensitive nature of asylum and resettlement data. Instead, we are producing bespoke analyses to inform this strategic cause.

1.1.3 Where is covered?

The Resilience Index maps Local Authorities in each of the four devolved nations across the UK.

1.2 Output (Maps)

  • Eight maps in total, comprised of two indices, across four nations.
  • Each map is specific to a single strategic cause and nation and presents a resilience score:

1.3 Output (Data tables)

  • Data tables will also be available with indicator scores, domain scores, vulnerability & capacity scores, and overall resilience scores:

1.4 Calculating Resilience

  • Indicators are combined to form domains, which are then combined to form capacity & vulnerability scores, which are then compared side-by-side to form a resilience score.

1.5 FAQ

1.5.1 Does the Resilience Index replace the COVID-19 Vulnerability Index?

No. The indices cover different needs. The COVID-19 VI is specific to COVID-19 only.

1.5.2 Can the indices of each nation be compared side by side?

No. They are designed to be viewed independently.

1.6 Status

  • The Resilience Index is currently under active development, and only exists in a limited capacity at this time. Check the metadata files in /R to see the progress of each cause in each nation.

  • Last update: 07.02.2022

  • Notes: complete segments are only provisional and are subject to change (e.g., indicator amendments and weighting)

Nation Strategic Cause Vulnerability Capacity Shocks
England Health Inequalities 🚫
England Disasters & Emergencies 🚧 - Under development 🚧 - Under development ✅ - Heat Hazards
Scotland Health Inequalities 🚫
Scotland Disasters & Emergencies ✅: ✅ - Heat Hazards
Wales Health Inequalities 🚧 - Under development 🚫
Wales Disasters & Emergencies
Northern Ireland Health Inequalities 🚫
Northern Ireland Disasters & Emergencies 🚧 - Under development ✅ - Fires & Floods

To add:

  • How to find metadata
  • Development Status
  • Interpreting the results and tables
  • Embed HTML Widget app